Brownsville IRS Levy Help 78521

Do you need help in Brownsville, TX 78521 with an IRS Levy?

Phoenix Financial Group can help you get it released. Now is the time to act. You only have a limited amount of time to get a levy released (21 days). After 21 days, the IRS will forward the money in your bank account to the IRS. Then you will be fine until the IRS decides to issue another levy. Let us help you get that levy released and prevent another one from being issued.

The tax professionals at Phoenix Financial Group include tax Enrolled Agents and enrolled agents that specialize in nothing but dealing with IRS Collections. We don’t focus on any other type of law. We know all of your rights and can help taxpayers in every state in the union including people in Brownsville Texas. We can be reached at (888) 572-2179 or email us at

We have helped thousands of businesses and individuals resolve their past due balances with the IRS.  We have an extensive reference list that includes people in Texas. We can help people in Brownsville with most tax types including 1040 Personal Income Tax, 941 Withholding Tax, 1120 Corporate Income Tax and more.

Let us set up an affordable payment plan for you or help you get your penalties abated. Have you considered an Offer in Compromise? Give us a call to find out how we can help you. The longer you wait the more aggressive the IRS will become.